Thursday, September 24, 2009

CD's I can listen to without hitting skip: Amy Winehouse, Back to Black

I know, I know. Amy Winehouse has turned into a punchline. I wish we could somehow help her before she completely implodes. But have you ever listened to the CD? Holy crow, it's amazing. Sure, the big single "Rehab" was catchy, with that great hook. I personally waggle my finger in time to the "no no no" part, but then I'm like that. The CD is full of soulful, jazzy, Sarah Vaughn-esque songs. There are so many gems that it's hard to pick a single favorite, although I would probably go with "Me & Mr. Jones." That one gets a lot of repeating in the car, I'll tell you.
One downside is that the music demands dancing and hand moves, and that's difficult when you're driving. The other downside is that Amy seems hell-bent on self-destruction. I find that so sad, because I'm sure she has a lot of great music left in her. She's only 26, for heaven's sake. Apparently she blames much of her substance abuse on her marriage, and she was divorced this summer, so things could be looking up for her.
All I can say is that I love this CD, and I will love it forty years from now too, I'm sure. She created smart, sexy, approachable music here, and I believe that she can do it again.

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