Friday, September 25, 2009

Pretzel Festival time!

Aaaaaaah, Pretzel Festival! My favorite festival of all. I will be there all weekend, come rain or come shine, but I'm hoping for the shine to win out. The best crowd, the best food. . . This is our fifth year doing this show, and I am stoked!
If you're in the same hemisphere, come on out. We're set up across from the bandstand, under a great big tree.
Until Monday. . . have a salty weekend.


  1. My sweetheart would freak out over this. He loves pretzels!! Hope you have a fun time :)

  2. Whoah something like this exists??? I want to participate!!!

  3. Have a great time,hope you sell lots of pretzels ! love the word pretzels !

    Hey I finally posted my 10th photo.
