Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Vintage! Handbags

Can we talk about my handbag addiction? I started buying vintage handbags in high school, and I have a cubic ton of them. They're all stored carefully on the top shelf of my closet, but I rarely carry them anymore. As I keep saying, I'm attempting to declutter my little space a bit, so I've test-listed a couple on etsy this morning. This little charmer is black corde fabric with a top zipper from the 1940s. It looks like it's never been carried. Very Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity.
This Verdi tapestry frame bag is from the Fifties. It has this great little hinge mechanism that allows you to tuck the serpentine chain strap down inside the bag so you can carry it as a clutch. Fab. The fabric is gold with a glimmering sheen, perfect for Ladies Who Lunch.
Don't you want to know the entire detailed histories of these little bags? Me too, but they're not talking.


  1. I'd be careful if I were you, Ms. Stanwick may come back from the grave to retrieve that beauty!

  2. It is such a cool little purse, but I could never fit all my crapola into it! I could use it as a wallet.

  3. Ooh I love the tapestry bag!!! It's lovely. It's great that you're de-cluttering. I'm all for it :)
